• 逆控一体机5000W 内置MPPT太阳能控制器
  • 逆控一体机5000W 内置MPPT太阳能控制器
  • 逆控一体机5000W 内置MPPT太阳能控制器
  • 逆控一体机5000W 内置MPPT太阳能控制器
  • 逆控一体机5000W 内置MPPT太阳能控制器

逆控一体机5000W 内置MPPT太阳能控制器


3.MPPT太阳能充电控制器最大功率点跟踪技术,跟踪效率不小于 99.5%,相比普通 PWM 算法,效率提高 15~20%。 
4.采用高品质进口元器件,先进的电源转换电路,最大转换效率可达 98%以上,满载效 率可达 97%,多种跟踪算法相结合,
7.RS485 通讯,可提供通讯协议,方便客户统一集成管理和二次开发。 
8.可通过 PC 上位机和手机 APP 查看和设置充电控制、逆变等运行参数,具体参照上位机 与 APP 使用手册(选配)。


Off-grid hybrid inveter with bulit-in solar charge controller all in one product(图1)

Off-grid hybrid inveter with bulit-in solar charge controller all in one product(图2)

Off-grid hybrid inveter with bulit-in solar charge controller all in one product(图3)

Off-grid hybrid inveter with bulit-in solar charge controller all in one product(图4)

Off-grid hybrid inveter with bulit-in solar charge controller all in one product(图5)

Off-grid hybrid inveter with bulit-in solar charge controller all in one product(图6)

Off-grid hybrid inveter with bulit-in solar charge controller all in one product(图7)

Off-grid hybrid inveter with bulit-in solar charge controller all in one product(图8)

Off-grid hybrid inveter with bulit-in solar charge controller all in one product(图9)

Off-grid hybrid inveter with bulit-in solar charge controller all in one product(图10)

Off-grid hybrid inveter with bulit-in solar charge controller all in one product(图11)

Off-grid hybrid inveter with bulit-in solar charge controller all in one product(图12)

Off-grid hybrid inveter with bulit-in solar charge controller all in one product(图13)

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